Senin, 14 September 2009


Accounting is the measurement, description, or the provision of certainty 
of information that will help managers, investors, tax authorities 
and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions in 
within companies, organizations, and government agencies. Accounting is 
art of measuring, communicating and interpreting the events 
finance. Broadly, accounting is also known as the "language of business". [1] 
Accounting aims to prepare an accurate financial reports 
to be used by managers, policy makers, and the 
Other stakeholders, such as shareholders, creditors, or owners. 
Recording daily involved in this process is known as 
bookkeeping. Financial accounting is a branch of accounting which 
financial information on a business note, classified, summarized, 
interpreted, and communicated. Auditing, a scientific discipline that 
related but still separate from the accounting, is a process where 
independent inspectors check an organization's financial statements for 
provide an opinion or opinions - a reasonable but not guaranteed 
Absolutely - about the fairness and compliance with principles 
generally acceptable accounting. 
Accounting practitioners known as accountants. Certified accountant 
have a certain degree different in each country. Examples are 
Chartered Accountant (FCA, CA or ACA), Chartered Certified Accountant 
(ACCA or FCCA), Management Accountant (ACMA, FCMA or AICWA),
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA). 
In Indonesia, a certified public accountant is a CPA Indonesia 
(formerly: BAP or Certified Public Accountant)

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